Analysis of scope of materials topics and reconciliation with GRI aspects

Analysis of scope of materials topics and reconciliation with GRI aspects


Material topicsInternal scopeExternal scopeGRI G4 Aspects and
Airport Operators Sector Disclosures 
Shared development GroupAll the stakeholdersEconomic performance
Indirect economic impacts
Local communities
Dialogue with stakeholdersGroup  
Transparent communicationGroup  
Noise impact Group Airport operators Noise
Consumer health and safety
Products and services
Environmental risk monitoring   GroupAirport operatorsBiodiversity
Products and services
Effluents and waste
Environmental complaint management mechanisms
CO2 Reduction
GroupAirport operatorsEmissions
Quality of service to passengersGroup Airport operators/Public administration Business continuity and emergency management
Consumer health and safety
Quality of the service
Public transport accessibility GroupAirport operators/Public administration Intermodality
Quality of work at the airportGroupAirport operatorsWorker health and safety
Passenger service offerGroupAirport operators/Public administrationService offers to people with reduced mobility
Employee engagement   Group      Employment
Industrial relations
Diversity and equal opportunities
Equal pay for men and women
Employee empowermentGroup Training and development
Transparency and supplier selectionGroup  Procurement practices
Environmental assessment of suppliers
Energy efficiencyGroupAirport operatorsEnergy
Water consumptionGroupAirport operatorsWater