Strategy's drivers

Strategy's drivers

CSR strategy developed over the last few years can summed up with four main scopes:

  • Integrated Decision-Making;
  • Stakeholder Engagement;
  • Reporting;
  • Corporate Citizenship.

Integrated Decision-Making
We are working on the managerial mindset to enhance the ability to contextualise business projects and to expand any possible considered variables.
The goal is to properly assess consequences and impacts of company decisions on the quality of stakeholder relations, to effectively prevent/manage any negative feedback from them, with an impact on costs, timing and effectiveness of business projects.
By the Developing Sustainability Culture project (2012-2014), we have created the conditions to define our Sustainability Vision and its effects on business challenges. Among other things, the project included interviews with management and stakeholders, focus groups and web discussions with SEA employees and top-middle management workshops.

Listening to and involving the stakeholders
We conduct an annual survey of a sample (100-120) of company stakeholders, split into categories, to learn their perception of the quality of their relationship with SEA, their assessment of SEA management and SEA actions that have had a direct impact on them. In 2012, these findings were supplemented by a Multi-Stakeholder Workshop, a structured opportunity for interaction with the most representative business stakeholders on major strategic issues and projects.
In 2015, we carried out an in-depth study of issues emerging over the past years by means of a qualitative survey based on 21 in-depth interviews with members of various stakeholder categories.
The involvement of our internal and external stakeholders is particularly significant on corporate projects, such as the development of the Ethical System and the Social Challenge.

Accountability for our strategies, processes and impacts is not limited to the implementation of the Sustainability Report.
For four years now we have had a partnership with CeRSt-LIUC, which aims to measure more and more accurately and reliably the socioeconomic externalities generated on different territorial scales by our Malpensa and Linate airports. The objective is to define the economic role of our airports in Lombardy and nationally, as well as supporting optimal modes of engagement with the territory.

Social Citizenship
In 2012, we developed a Corporate Citizenship Policy. The statement was created to define social investment strategies that would be organic, effective and progressively related to the company’s business profile. Social investments that have been made over the past four years have raised the awareness that our duty as a company is not limited to well managing our airports, but it also includes ability to build harmonious relationships:

  • with the surrounding area hosting our infrastructures;
  • with non-profit entities that try to give answers to the community around;
  • with people of SEA, not only in their role as employees, but also as citizens who, after clocking out for the day, also want to contribute to a good cause as an important part of their personal fulfilment.